

Pet Portrait Raffle Ticket

Pet Portrait Raffle Ticket
Sold out

Would you like a hand-drawn artwork of your beloved pet?

Enter this raffle and be in the draw to win an A4 portrait of your pet while helping working horses in Fiji!

$20 gets you one entry - winner drawn 17th June 2023!
Post a photo of your pet friend in the comments on Facebook - and share to spread the word! :)

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Fiji Horse Care NZ is a mammoth effort by Kim Woods to bring gear to and educate around horse care in Fiji. Some of these horses have open sores on backs from metal framed saddles/tied loads, and tears in their mouths from homemade gear (ropes, wire).

$25 provides a horse with a bridle, snaffle bit, halter, lead rope and brush.
$50 provides a saddle.
But any amount helps with the time and effort.
You can view videos and an idea of the horses lives on the facebook page here --

You can learn more and skip the raffle to the Give a Little page here -